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Playing with my puppy.

by 나도처음이야 2022. 6. 24.

In the evening, We took him to the beach again.

저녁에 우리는 그를 데러고 해변으로 갑니다.


But, our walks weren't easy.

하지만, 걸음걸이가 쉽지 않네요.


He ran in front of us and pulled his leash.

녀석이 우리 앞에서 뛰어올라 목줄을 끌어당깁니다.


We pulled him back, he pulled us again.

우린 녀석을 끌어당기고, 녀석도 다시 우릴 당깁니다.


He went this way and that way, and he sniffed everything.

녀석은 이쪽 저쪽 돌아다니며, 이것저것 냄새를 맡고요.


We tried to teach him, "Come, Stay, Sit! Down! "

우리는 "이리와, 거기있어, 앉아! " 등을 가르쳐보지만


But he didn't listen to us.

녀석은 우리 말을 듣지 않아요.


He was not obedient.

녀석은 순종적이지 않아요. ^^ 


He was like an excited child and every day he got bigger and stronger

녀석은 흥분된 아이 같았고, 매일 덩치도 커지고 힘도 쎄졌답니다.


I got up early everyday and took him for a walk.

나는 매일 아침 일찍 녀석을 데리고 산책했어요.


He jumped up and wagged his tail.

녀석은 점프 하면서 꼬리를 흔들었죠.


He was very excited and want to play with me.

녀석은 매우 흥분했고, 나랑 놀기를 원했답니다.


I petted his head and put my face in his fur.

난 걔를 쓰담듬어 주었고 내 얼굴을 걔 털에 파묻었어요


I put my arm around him. 

난 녀석을 안아주었지요.



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