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전체 글2347

What do you think you'll get for your wife? 부인에게는 무슨 선물을 하실거에요? What do you think you'll get for your wife? 아마도 로맨스 소설이요. Probably a romance novel. 제 아내는 항상 로맨스 소설을 읽고 있는것 같아요. It seems like she's alway reading one of those. 2019. 4. 16.
It's going to be really crowded at the mall. You should shop online. 쇼핑몰이 아주 붐빌거예요. 인터넷으로 주문하세요. It's going to be really crowded at the mall. You should shop online. 맞아요. 나의 가족은 책읽는 것을 좋아해요. You're right. My family loves to read. 그래서 아마존에서 모든 선물을 구할수 있을거에요. so I can probably get them all presents from Amazon.com 2019. 4. 16.
That's very nice of you. thanks. Have you finished your shopping yet? 친절하시군요. 감사합니다. 그런데 크리스마스 쇼핑 다 끝내셨어요? That's very nice of you. thanks. Have you finished your shopping yet? 아니오, 아직 더 있어요. 이번 주말에 쇼핑 몰에 갈거에요. No, I still have to do that. I think I'll go to the mall this weekend. 2019. 4. 15.
What are your plans for Christmas? 크리스마스에 무슨 계획이 있어요? What are your plans for Christmas? 네. 벌써 크리스마스네요. 그 때 무엇을 할지 잘 몰라요. Oh, yes, It's almost Christmas, I am not sure what I'll be doing then. 아무 계획이 없으시면, 가족들과 함께 우리집에서 저녁 먹어요. Well. If you don't have any plans, your family could have dinnier at my house. 2019. 4. 15.
You're making me nervous. 긴장이 되네요. (당신이 날 긴장하게 만드네요) You're making me nervous. 2019. 4. 15.
Yes, It can be frustrating, but it's important and it's interesting to watch. Yes, It can be frustrating, but it's important and it's interesting to watch. 네. 실망스럽지만, 그것은 매우 중요한 일이고, 보면 흥미로워요. 2019. 3. 27.
That's the reason I really don't pay attention to politics. I heard he wants to lower taxes. 저는 오바마가 세금을 내릴거라 들었어요. It's hard to know what truth is. 진실이 무엇인지 모르겠어요. That's the reason I really don't pay attention to politics. 그래서 저는 정치에 관심을 두지 않아요. 2019. 3. 27.
Yes, I know. I hear about it every day on the news. Yes, I know. I hear about it every day on the news. 알아요. 뉴스에서 매일 듣고 있어요. I going to vote for him. 나는 그에게 투표할거에요. I think he is a good choice, but i think Mccan would make a good president also. 좋은 선택이에요. 하지만 맥케인도 좋은 대통령이 될거에요. 2019. 3. 27.
You should make up your mind soon. You should make up your mind soon. 먼저 마음을 정해야지요. The election is next month. 선거가 다음달 이에요. 2019. 3. 27.